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Next General Meeting
Tuesday, March 4th, 2025!

Dinner served at 5:30 pm. Social time until 6:30
Meeting starts at 6:30
Featured speaker presentation at 7:30 - 8:30.

Join us for dinner before the meeting - Check out the Menu

Meeting & Dinner Signups - 3/4/2025

Featured Speaker - Tony Weaver

on the topic
"Fly Fishing in Alaska"

More Information


Conservation Committee Meeting and Presentation

You are invited to attend the upcoming Conservation Committee Meeting featuring Colin Lauback of Pacific States Fishery discussing fishery monitoring on the lower Yuba.  

Also to be covered, the recent river flows and water releases and what it means, as well as updates on accessing the south side of the river.

Please join us on Monday February 24th at Players Pizza in Penn Valley. 11:30 for a No-host lunch. Meeting starts at noon until 2pm

 Check out the event calendar:    Conservation Committee Meeting


CDFW Launches The California Inland Recreational Angler Survey (CIRAS)

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is excited to announce the launch of a web-based platform called the California Inland Recreational Angler Survey, or CIRAS, that will provide the public with helpful fishing information driven by data submitted by anglers.

CIRAS Main Page        Record your Fishing

Check out Fishing Info       User Guide      

Sáttítla Highlands now a national monument

New monument designation permanently protects the source waters of the Fall River and other famous trout streams in northern California.

This article written by Sam Davidson of Trout Unlimited about some of the conservation efforts here in California.

Check it out here




Sat, Feb 22 at 7:00 PM (PST)
Nevada Theater, Broad Street, Nevada City, California
Tickets $24 - $56

Hosted by Cast Hope

IF4™ is the world’s leading fly-fishing film event, consisting of films produced by professional filmmakers from all corners of the globe and showcases the passion, lifestyle, and culture of fly fishing. It is the gathering place of the fly-fishing community and a celebration of friendship, stories and stoke.

More Information


Fly Casting Skills Development

The next FCSD session will be on February 22nd at the Forest Charter School Playfield in Nevada City and is open to the community. If you would like to join the members of GCFF and develop your fly casting skills, no matter your skill level. From beginner to advanced. Please join us at this FCSD session on the grass at 625 Zion Street, Nevada City.

The FCSD Foundation level is a great starting place for those picking up a fly rod for the first time, or beginners with some fishing experience. You will learn the foundation of fly casting: loop formation and control. If you are interested in the Foundation level, please register for either the 10am or 12noon session.

You can also be recognized for your achievement. Check out the Achievement  page.

 More Information & Registration

Our Conservation Committee in Action! Check this page out!

 Conservation Committee Page

Action Needed! - UPDATE!!!

Our beloved Lower Yuba River Fishery needs your help. Yuba Water Agency and CDFW is proposing a change to the Daguerre Point dam in the Lower Yuba.

Please take a few minutes to read the attached Comment Guide and consider taking action as we all need to do our part for our local fisheries.

Yuba River Daguerre Point Dam Nature Like Fishway Comment Guide

Latest Update:

Please read this letter written by a coalition of GCFF, NCCFFI, SYRCL, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance and American Rivers to California Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries Service and Yuba Water Agency addressing the possible implications of installing the Fishway.

DPD NLF Coalition Letter

ALSO - Check out this article published by SYRCL - HERE

Conservation Efforts Pay Off Big Time

The Rise of Apache Trout

"In 1955, the White Mountain Apache Tribe took definitive action that set the course for Apache trout recovery." View this Trout Unlimited video to learn more. 

Click this button to watch the video    The Rise of Apache Trout

Visitor Uploads

Welcome to the Gold Country Fly Fishers

Our Club is situated in the beautiful California Sierra Foothills in the neighboring communities of Grass Valley and Nevada City. We are a vibrant club and invite anyone interested in furthering their journey towards becoming accomplished fly fishers to join us. GCFF is affiliated with Fly Fishers International.

Gold Country Fly Fishers
Mission, Purposes and Objectives

  • To promote the art of fly fishing for the recreation of members.
  • To promote and support the conservation of our fisheries, with particular emphasis on the "Catch and Release" ethic.
  • To provide assistance to members in the skill and techniques of fly fishing.
  • To publicize and promote fly fishing, fly casting, fly tying, and other related subjects.
  • To represent organized fly fishers through liaison with sports, conservation, and regulatory agencies and organizations.