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HomeClub History

Welcome to our Club History
Restoration Project

This is the information we have been able to piece together so far regarding GCFF history.  
Thanks to Denis Pierce, Jimmie Marchio, Frank and Karen Rinella, Nita Keehn, Len Valente and probably some I have forgotten for the input.

Most of the information comes from newsletters from each particular year, as that is all we have for most years.  I was able to see club minutes for a few years.

Now it is your turn to make corrections and fill in the blanks!

Please contact Mike Conner with any information you may have!


2024 Rich Tortosa  
2023 Clay Hash   
2022 Bill Burden  Holiday party returns as COVID wanes
2021 Larry Strauss  
 2020 Larry Strauss  Our first ZOOM meeting was held in August due to COVID
 2019 Jimmie Marchio  
2018 Clay Hash stepped up to fill the vacancy; mentors program started - the beginning of FCSD
 2017 Dave Ackerman Bank balance $10, 396; Holiday dinner at Nevada City Elks
2016 Tom Grant Fly Fishing 101 was offered; 120 members attended the Holiday party at Alta Sierra
2015 Clay Hash Started offering dinners before club meetings; 9 Scouts qualified in our merit badge program
2014 Clay Hash 177 members; $9008 balance; Spey casters group started; monthly fly fishing workshops at Reel Anglers
2013 Jerry Devlin 157 members; $7664 bank balance; Holiday Party at Alta Sierra
2012 Dennis Carlson  
2011 Wayne Holloway First Ladies Program;  162 members; ham and salmon Christmas dinner by Vicki, potluck side dishes: $10
2010 Steve Allen Vickie Valente did the Christmas dinner at Ponderosa Room 
2009 Mark Rockwell First meeting at current location: Jan. 6; Christmas party was potluck with entree by the club
2008 Mike Conner Vickie Valente did dinners; Christmas dinner was the last meeting at Seaman's Lodge; Mike Williams got Outstanding New Member Award
2007 Frank Rinella Treasury Bal.: $4259; 112 paid members
2006 Bill Sunderland First meeting at Seamans Lodge; acquired a speaker system; bank balance $2602
2005 Norm Sauer Christmas party dinner by Vicki at Pioneer Lodge; we had a club website
2004 Don Liljeblad  
2003 Mike Winter  
2002 John Kusanovich  
1994 Rick Weaver  
1992 Mike Conner Question on the year?
1984   GCFF first meeting; Denis Pierce attended at Madelyn Helling Library